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Different Types Of Fashion Photography

Priyanka Sakpal
Different Types Of Fashion Photography

Fashion photography defines the success of a model’s portfolio to a great extent. This lies in the hands of a fashion photographer to a great extent. The angle at which shots are taken, the entire process of editing and getting images as desired depends on several things. The genre of photography depends to a great extent on the apparel and accessories. This enhances the effect of the shoots to a great extent. Over time, fashion photography has discovered new senses of aesthetics by showcasing the variety and beauty of clothes. 


A lot of things such as the locations involved, the storylines on which the shoots are based, and the techniques used to create unique styles of the photos are very important for compelling photography.


Fashion photography has further been classified into these groups:


1. ) High fashion


2. )Street fashion


3. )Catalog photography


4. )Editorial fashion photography


To know more visit here:- http://www.modellingagenciesmumbai.com/blog/different-types-of-fashion-photography/

Priyanka Sakpal
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