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How to prepare for the air force X and Y group exam?

MKC Online Test Series
How to prepare for the air force X and Y group exam?

The Indian air force has many vacancies for the selection of the officer and Airmen in to the service. There is exam called Air force X and Y group which is especially for the selection of the airmen and in to the service. There is two types of entry through this Air force X and Y group. The X group is for the Technical candidates and Y group is for the non-technical candidates.  The selection is pretty much similar but the only difference is in the syllabus of this. The technical candidates have to prepare the extra syllabus related to their discipline. To prepare for the Air force X and Y group Exam ,The best is to join the coaching institutes, the coaching institutes will prepare you for that, the competition is very high in this field and it is very hard to clear this exam without proper preparation.

More info: Airforce y group exam

MKC Online Test Series
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