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Psychometry and its application in a Career Aptitude Test

Jenny Kay
Psychometry and its application in a Career Aptitude Test

The process of psychometric evaluation is nothing new in a career aptitude test. The first intelligence test in 1905 was administered by Alfred Binet. Since its making, psychometry is used to understand student’s abilities to determine their strengths and weaknesses.

In middle-class families, there is a pressure of choosing a high paying career after 12th standard. Thus, Online Psychometric test is utmost important to determine a career path that is most suitable to them.


A psychometric test is a scientific tool to decrypt a person’s character traits and cognitive abilities, something that is not easy to be known unless one is a psychologist. Career aptitude tests comprises such psychometric metrics to gauge a student’s aptness in an educational stream, or in a certain career path. The results provided are unbiased and are methodically evaluated which is solely based on the student’s skill and interest.

The functioning of a Psychometric Test:

Psychometric Test, also known as an Aptitude test, works on a series of objective and impartial set of questions to determine a person’s personality and cognitive capacity.

These psychometric evaluations are a union of two fundamental categories:

  • Aptitude test through which the person’s ability to think, learn and solve problems is evaluated. This section reveals a person’s verbal, quantitative and logical reasoning.
  • Personality tests through which a person’s behavior and volatility are evaluated to understand which career is suitable.

The benefit of a Psychometric Test:

Education in India is progressive as well as competitive. Students often stress about which stream to choose after 12th and whether their choice would prove beneficial. There are so many career avenues, and every industry has versatile job opportunities.

So, repeated brain storming session with your closed ones and evaluation is required when planning a career. This is where a psychometric test comes. This test scientifically examines the candidate's choices to understand what he or she is capable of and which field can help them grow.

  1. Stream and career confusion – A psychometric test is used to assess a student’s study pattern and determine the stream suitable for them. What is taught in high school is very basic and if a student loves mathematics, but if his/her study pattern does not follow a logical path, pursuing it for his college degree is not worthwhile. An aptitude test checks the cognitive abilities and aptitude areas to guide a candidate through the confusion instead of picking a career course that is trending in the job market.
  2. Personal Skill Dilemma – A person might not know what they are good at. Peer pressure and parental advice may force them in choosing something they are not comfortable with or may not be good at. A psychometric test will determine who they really are and what career they are inclined to.

Choosing a career comes first before selecting your stream because you not only save time and money but also direct your effort in the right career path. In India, a psychometric aptitude test is not compulsory when deciding a career. However, a career aptitude test helps a student understand themselves and be aware of their potential while choosing their academic field.

Jenny Kay
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