AI Products 

A successful career in the fast evolving field of Interior Design is possible only with INIFD Pune Kothrud!

Dimakh Consultants
A successful career in the fast evolving field of Interior Design is possible only with INIFD Pune Kothrud!

The exciting world of Fashion Design becomes your reality with INIFD Pune Kothrud!

Fashion Design

A thoughtfully crafted course filled with experiential learning and regular interaction with celebrated fashion professionals. The best faculty and fully equipped labs and classrooms. Exclusive opportunities, exhibitions, fashion events and photoshoots. Only at Fashion Design INIFD Pune Kothrud.


A successful career in the fast evolving field of Interior Design is possible only with INIFD Pune Kothrud!

Interior Design

Accredited courses that are carefully designed keeping in mind the fast changing needs of the industry. Highly experienced faculty and a one-of-a-kind virtual tuck shop. Actual client based projects, exhibitions and designing experience. Only at Interior Design at INIFD Pune Kothrud.

Dimakh Consultants
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