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A DNA Test Cost in Thane, Maharashtra

Rahul Singh
A DNA Test Cost in Thane, Maharashtra

A DNA test is a test to prove the biological relationship among individuals. Every DNA is unique, from which it is easy to determine the relationships. DNA testing has a broader application. Various types of DNA tests are performed, such as paternity, maternity, paternity-trio, siblingship, and ancestry DNA tests. People choose DNA testing facilities for their peace of mind, but sometimes to resolve property disputes and other custody cases. Men want paternity DNA testing services if they doubt the paternity of a child. Moreover, a DNA test has a great significance in the field of education, identification of individuals, and in research as well.

Various laboratories are currently offering DNA testing facilities to the clients in India. Still, DNA Forensics Laboratory is the only government-approved private lab, which is MOJ (Ministry of Justice) and AABB accredited that provides legally sanctioned DNA test reports to the clients. All DNA test reports are 99.999% accurate on which legal authorities can also rely. DNA Forensics Laboratory has opened its collection centers all over India, and clients can directly visit these centers to provide DNA samples. Therefore, they even get an affordable DNA test in Thane, Maharashtra. DNA tests also support crime cases; these provide evidence proving the degree of involvement of an individual in a particular crime.

To get the detailed information regarding DNA test cost in Thane, Maharashtra, clients can directly talk to DFL executive at +91 8010177771 or can live chat at WhatsApp number +91 9213177771.

Rahul Singh
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