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Compose lesson: compound Sentences (continued)

toan ha
Compose lesson: compound Sentences (continued)

Homemade ý meaning between the các sides câu

Câu 1 (page 123 sgk philology 8 Episode 1):

   relationship between các sides câu câu chép là relation nhân results. Side a là side results, các the latter là risk&rêve;n nhân. Các sides are connected by linking words “by vì”.

see th&rêve;m : Compose bài Practice to put các elements of và mi&rêve;u description vào bài literature essays grade 8


Câu 2 (page 123 sgk philology 8 Episode 1):

   An ý means c&miró; c&miró; between các sides câu :

   - ties at the same time. VD : Outdoor, càng heavy rain, chúng t&won many prizes;i càng wet.

   - ties conditions – results. EXAMPLE : If the áo kh&won many prizes;ng recently thì t&won many prizes;i will return.

   - ties, contrast. VD : However, m&miró;n quà very beautiful, but I kh&won many prizes;ng thích n&miró;.


Câu 1 (page 124 sgk philology 8 Episode 1):

Composing text grade 8 | Compose bài grade 8

toan ha
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