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Sales Are Up 11%, Net Profitability Sido Appears Rp 807 M Years Ago

Berita Terkini
Sales Are Up 11%, Net Profitability Sido Appears Rp 807 M Years Ago

the PT Industry Herbal medicine and Pharmacy Sido Appear Tbk (SIDO) book spider net as big as Rp 807,68 billion in 2019 or up 21,6% compared to the previous year. The performance was supported by rising sales on all kinds of products.

Based on the financial statements that was released enterprises on the openness of the information on Tuesday (18/2), the sale of products jamu herbal and supplement years ago as big as Rp 2,06 trillion. Access is up around 12% compared to the period corresponding previous year of Rp 1,84 trillion.

the Sale of food and drink products Rp 886 billion or up 8,1% compared to the period corresponding previous year of Rp 819,5 billion. Whereas the sale of pharmacy products Rp 117,24 billion, up 17% compared to the period corresponding previous year of Rp 100,17 billion.

this Article has been up on Katadata.co.id with the title "Sales are Up 11%, Net profitability Sido Appears Rp 807 M Last Year" , https://katadata.co.id/berita/2020/02/18/penjualan-naik-11-laba-bersih-sido-muncul-rp-807-m-tahun-lalu
Author: Ihya Uloom Aldin
Editor: Martha Ruth Thertina

Berita Terkini
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