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Photo: Mala Corona Virus, Jemaah Umrah Helter-skelter at the Airport

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Photo: Mala Corona Virus, Jemaah Umrah Helter-skelter at the Airport

the Policy of the Government of saudi Arabia to temporarily stop the activities of the umrah as a surge corona virus startle many countries, including Indonesia. As a result,  started yesterday, Thursday (27/2), Soekarno-Hatta International Airport was filled with pilgrims who did not so depart to the Holy Land.

Thousands of pilgrims stranded in Terminal 3. They sat in the waiting room, helpless when finding out the cancellation of all the airline's flights to saudi Arabia which was announced on the morning of yesterday.

In the hallway of the waiting room, they only await the departure without any clarity. One of the managers of travel Ektur, Andri Ardiansyah, can't be sure to the congregation of the flight time.

this Article has been published in Katadata.co.id with the title "Photo: Mala Corona Virus, Jemaah Umrah Helter-skelter at" , https://katadata.co.id/foto/2020/02/28/foto-mala-virus-corona-jemaah-umrah-terlunta-lunta-di-bandara
Author: Adi Maulana Ibrahim
Editor: Muchamad Nafi

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