Making investment should be a primary job for every individual in order to build financial health and to stay ahead of inflation. However, we often find people stepping back as they are unaware of the true steps to make investments in different avenues.

A share is nothing but a part of the ownership of the company issued to the general public to raise capital.
So when you buy shares of a company, you become the owner of that company proportional to the value of shares.There are two most important reasons to buy shares online:Capital Appreciation:Capital Appreciation is an increase in the value of a stock over a period of time.
Technically speaking, capital appreciation is the difference between the purchase price and the selling price of the stock.DIVIDEND INCOME: A dividend is paid by the company to its shareholders every year.
It is a part of the company’s cash reserves or profits.
The companies don’t have an obligation to pay dividends to their shareholders.
Myth: More than 90% of people think dividends are paid only when the company makes a profit.

We at how-to-buy-shares.co.uk believe in providing a complete educational package on share market investment.
Our website is dedicated to those who are looking forward to make an investment in the share market domain but lack the knowledge.https://soundcloud.com/jean-aime-765620113

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