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How To Apply For Indian Visa?

Mabbie Washington
How To Apply For Indian Visa?

The international citizen who is planning to visit India with family, friends and a solo trip require a valid Indian visa. You can apply for Indian visa online application. There are some rules and regulations for each visitor and it depends on their purpose of visit. 

But now the whole process is online therefore it is a very fast, secure and very convenient process.  The government of India facilitates the online Indian visa application ( e-visa) for foreign nationals. 

It is a completely online application process that is easily accessible where you just need to follow the instructions and upload the supporting documents. Whenever we apply for a visa for a particular country, there are some categories that simply define the types of the visit we are planning. 

However, There are two types of Indian e visa processing services available such as regular visa and emergency visa. If you apply for the regular e-visa, in this case, this process takes 3 to 5 days to get complete. And an emergency visa to India usually gets processed within 1 to 3 days. 

On the visa application form, you have to select the type of visa you want and the suitable Indian visa processing type either a regular visa or emergency visa to India. There are some main types of Indian visa such as tourist visa, business visa, conference visa, medical visa, and medical attendant visa respectively. 

Each e visa type has some guidelines and sub-categories according to the duration and stays in India. Make sure, before proceeding to fill out an online e-visa application, you must go through the guidelines for documents & photographs.

If you upload or submit any documents which do not match the as per as guidelines by the government of India. In this case, your e-visa application will be rejected and will ask to apply for an Indian visa afresh.  Otherwise, you can check the Indian visa photo requirements for more details.

The next step is to pay for your Indian visa fees. There are two types of fees. The government fees that are charged by the policy of the government of India and visa services fee that is charged for helping to get e-visa as fast as possible.

You can make payment for the Indian visa application online by using the payment gateways such as VISA, MasterCard, AMERICAN EXPRESS, and Net Banking.

Note: Both types of service fees are non-refundable as it’s for the process of the Indian e visa application form. If you make any mistake in this process of applying,  then you have to repeat the process afresh. Make sure you fill out all the details correctly.

Mabbie Washington
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