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Evan Luthra | Entrepreneurs of The Future | CC Forum London 2019

evan luthra
Evan Luthra | Entrepreneurs of The Future | CC Forum London 2019

I am just a boy who fell in love with technology at the age of 12 and achieved success ahead of time. Its the ideas & their implementation which made me a billionaire so then I decided to invest in brilliant ideas from young entrepreneurs. While my friends were planning their next holiday, I was busy building my knowledge base and developing solutions. The company established by me was creating solutions for companies before me reaching the age of 15.

Very soon I got invited to speak for Tedx & later spoke for UN, Crypto Investor Show, Blockshow, and many other prestigious events. Now I am an angel investor featured in Forbes 30 under 30 list. My venture invests in ideas that are innovative, profitable and futuristic. 

I conceptualize, innovate, & work on executing world-changing ideas, As the COO & founder of EL Group International, I lead multiple international projects. My journey began with building products and services but later transitioned onto building brands. I have an angel investment venture Startupstudio.online, which is dedicated to discovering and funding futuristic ideas. I am on the advisory board of many blockchain projects like Relictum Pro, GL Brain, Crescent and many more. 

I also like using social media handles for spreading knowledge & connecting with people. On Instagram, I have over 500,000 followers who share their ideas with me & ask me questions about their startup ideas.

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