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How to Fix Disappearing Cursor Problem on Windows 10?

rdx tango
How to Fix Disappearing Cursor Problem on Windows 10?

A cursor is a minor yet integral tool in any PC, and if your cursor keeps disappearing, then it can be disappointing. In case you are facing the same, then the blog will prove to be fruitful to you. Here is how to fix the disappearing cursor error in Windows 10.

Through Reboot the System

Source:- How to Fix Disappearing Cursor Problem on Windows 10?

If you would like to reboot the system, then abide by the given steps.

  • Hold the Win + X keys together on your keyboard.
  • After that, use the arrow buttons to choose the Sign-out or Shut down. Do not press yet! Then click on the arrow buttons and select the Restart option.
  • Finally, you should be able to press the Enter key.
  • You have to wait till the system restarts and attempt to shift the mouse to check whether the cursor comes on the window.

Check Disabled Pointer through Keyboard.

If the system window is blank, then you should be able to view the desktop and press the F5 button at once. Normally, it guides to turn on the mouse pointer. You should be able to attempt Fn + F9, Fn + F5 or Fn + F7.

Turn On the Mouse

If you wish to turn on the mouse, then pursue the given instructions.

  • Hold the Win + R keys together on your keyboard.
  • Enter ‘main.cpl’ into the Run dialog box then hit the Enter key.
  • It should launch Mouse Properties. 
  • Using arrow buttons and the Tab button and go to the Device Settings button.

Change Pointer Options

If you would like to change pointer options, then abide by the given steps.

  • Open the Run pop-up by pressing Win + R keys together.
  • You should enter main.cpl then hit the Enter key.
  • With the help of the arrow buttons and Tab button, go to the Pointer Option button and select the Enter button to launch it.
  • Hit the Tab button as several times as it takes you to see Enhance pointer precision. Unselect the option using the Enter button.
  • Go to the Display pointer trails with the same Tab button. Using the Enter button to enable this option.
  • With the same method to untick the ‘Hide pointer while typing.’
  • Now, tick the key of ‘Show location of pointer when I press the CTRL.’
  • Reach the Apply button and hit the Enter key.
  • Reboot the PC with the method explained in step 1.

Upgrade Driver to Solve the Disappearing Cursor Problem

If you wish to upgrade the driver to solve the disappearing cursor problem, then pursue the given instructions.

  • Hold the Win + R keys together to open the Run dialog box.
  • Type devmgmt.msc into the Run box.
  • Go via the list with Down and Up arrows. You may require to use a Tab button to navigate.
  • Reach the ‘Mice and other pointing devices’ and hit the right arrow button.
  • Click on the Down arrow button to enter a sub-menu. Choose the mouse device.
  • Hit the Shift + F10 keys together.
  • Using the arrow button to navigate the Properties menu and hit the Enter key.
  • Then use the Tab button and hit on it as several times as it takes to navigate the General button.
  • Click on the arrow button to enter the Driver button. Hold the Tab or Enter key to launch it.
  • Hit the Tab button once more like several times as it takes to choose the Update Driver button and hit the Enter key.
  • Select the arrow buttons, choose the option ‘Search automatically for updated driver software then press the Enter key.
  • Check whether the cursor is still missing. If there are no latest updates, or they do not work, choose the Cancel tab and hit the Enter button.
  • Reach the Properties screen, check if the Roll Back Driver is applicable, whether it was going to it with the keyboard keys and hit the Enter key.
  • Now, the Down and Up button should be used to choose the reason. Click on the Enter to verify.
  • Finally, activate the Yes option to save.

Rdx tango is an inventive person who has been doing intensive research in particular topics and writing blogs and articles on Webroot.com/safe and many other related topics. He is a very knowledgeable person with lots of experience.

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