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Everest Trekking Packages

Rabin Gurung
Everest Trekking Packages

Everest base camp trekking is one of the most famous and obviously the most trekked trekking route of Nepal. We can have a stunning view of many beautiful mountains while making this place. The top six tallest peaks of the world lie in this region. They are Mt. Everest, Mt. Lhotse, Mt. Makalu and other numerous peaks including the top six. Trekking through the Everest region offers us an outstanding figure of the natural beauty of Nepal along with the White Mountains. Similarly, we can see many types of vegetations and animals throughout the way. Not only natural things but also there is the presence of cultural beauty abundantly. We can encounter many types of people with different customs and traditions while making our trek to the region.

Rabin Gurung
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