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5 Natural Treatments for Hair Fall

Marma Ayurveda
5 Natural Treatments for Hair Fall

Hair fall has become a problem for both men and women in modern times. The root cause of hair loss include stress, and an unhealthy diet and lifestyle. Then again there are health problems like hypothyroidism, anemia etc. that cause hair loss. Everyone is fond of healthy hair and wants to eliminate the causes of hair fall. Apart from improving your diet and lifestyle, you should also make use of the following natural treatments for hair loss.

  1. Jojoba oil: If your scalp has experienced too much and prolonged dryness then it may be prone to dandruff, lack of hair luster and too much hair loss. Jojoba oil is a natural treatment that provides moisturizing and nourishment to the scalp and hair roots. This, in turn, makes the hair healthy and strong. Jojoba oil also helps the hair cells to reproduce faster and does not leave a greasy residue like many other oils. Warm the oil a little by holding in the palm of your hand and massage it into the roots of the hair at night. Wash with a mild shampoo in the morning and apply a good conditioner. Regular treatment with jojoba oil will reduce hair fall and make the hair healthy and strong.
  2. Aloe Vera: Aloe Vera has well-known benefits for skin and hair and is an excellent moisturizer. It soothes and calms the damaged scalp and follicles. This, in turn, creates a helps flourish and replenishes the hair follicles. Aloe vera also helps in clearing sebum because sebum works to clogs the follicles and inhibits hair growth. A gentle massage using aloe vera works to rectify many hair problems and lead to the generation of new hair follicles.
  3. Ginger juice: Ginger is a root that has many medicinal properties. It also helps in the growth of hair and treats dry and scaly scalp. All that you need to do is blend ginger pieces in a blender with a few spoons of water. Once you get a paste, simply strain the juice from the paste and apply it to the scalp overnight. Simply shampoo your hair the next morning. This remedy should be done every alternate day for the best results. It will strengthen the hair and cause the new hair to grow faster while reducing hair fall.
  4. Apple cider vinegar: Apart from the damage caused due to dryness hair loss is also caused by clogged hair follicles. If the follicles are deprived of moisture and oil and are clogged it causes bacteria to grow and results in hair loss. In order to rectify this problem, you should rinse your hair with a mixture of apple cider vinegar and water in equal amounts. This will unclog the pores and apple cider vinegar also enhances the growth of hair by nourishing the follicles.
  5. Vruddhika hair oil: This is Ayurvedic hair oil created by qualified and skilled Ayurvedic doctors. This oil enhances the growth of hair while treating dandruff, infections and the ill effects of environmental pollutants. The oil contains several herbs like Amalaki, Brahmi, Bhringraj, Jesthimadhu, etc. which nourish the scalp and hair follicles apart from preventing the above-mentioned problems in the scalp.
Marma Ayurveda
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