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Why Yo-Yo Dieting is a Killer!

Aalia william
Why Yo-Yo Dieting is a Killer!

Going on endless diets isn't funAlkatone Review, is it? It's even less fun when the weight just comes back again. You might be interested to know that 95% of all people who go on diets never achieve permanent weight loss. That might be bad enough but, yo-yo dieters have a particular problem. They find it more and more difficult to lose weight every time they go on a diet.

Why do they find it more difficult to lose weight? Well, every time you go on a diet you lose fat but you also lose muscle. When you put the weight back on again, what goes back on is fat, and not muscle. If you go on endless diets you are going to reduce your muscle mass considerably.

Muscle is very, very important because it burns calories. Having a good muscle mass helps you to have a healthy metabolism. It's not difficult to see that the more diets you go on a more difficult you're going to find it to burn calories and lose weight.

Recent research has also found that yo-yo dieting affects you both mentally and physically. Diets set you up for failure, and this is hard to take.

So what's the answer? How do you lose weight if you don't go on a diet? Well, the most effective way of losing weight is to change your behavior. You change your behavior by learning new habits, new eating and lifestyle habits.


Aalia william
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