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What Is ADFS, How It Works

Techi Jack

What is ADFS: ADFS is a feature which allows user to authenticate on a network to access application and services on another network securely.

 For Example, Office 365 enables users to authenticate through on-premises Active Directory Domain Services AD DS.

 Then use an account in office 365 without prompting for any further authentication.

 Therefore, it provides the Single Sign On (SSO) for both office 365 their corporate computer.

However, office 365 requires both AD FS and Directory synchronization.

 So, whenever you implement AD FS

 Password management and policies maintain by one premises AD DS  


How AD FS Works

 AD FS implements the WS-Federation model.

 Therefore, in this model, a service provider (also known as a relying party), is the federation partner that consumes security tokens for users.

 The service provider hosts an application that relies on an issuer to provide information about identity.

 A second partner in the WS-Federation model is the claims provider.The claims provider creates security tokens that are shared with the service provider to provide access to applications.

 In order to establish the connection between two partners.

 An administrator needs to configure a federated trust.

Techi Jack
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