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The Miracles Of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) And His Timeless Miracle

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The Miracles Of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) And His Timeless Miracle

Miracles are extraordinary events that happen, which are contrary to the laws and rules of nature. Thus, humans are not capable of performing miracles by themselves. Instead, miracles happen through Allah’s intervention. Allah is the All-Powerful Being in the universe and has the capability of doing whatever He wishes.

Miracles have usually been performed by Prophets and Messengers, with the will of Allah. Allah, while describing Prophet Isa (PBUH)’s miracles in the Quran, says, “…When you designed from clay “what was”like the form of a bird with My permission, then you breathed into it, and it became a bird with My permission; and you healed the blind and the leper with My permission; and when you brought forth the dead with My permission.” (Quran 5:110)

Allah granted miracles to Prophets in order to have an effect on their people. The miracles were all designed to be understandable to the people they were aimed at, as they were relevant to their times. When carried out by the Prophets, miracles resulted in good.

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) performed many miracles that were witnessed by those around him. They have been described in several authentic Hadith, and are also mentioned in the Quran itself.

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