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Moon in Zodiac Signs - Know the Traits & Characteristics

acharya kunjka
Moon in Zodiac Signs - Know the Traits & Characteristics

The moon uncovers our style of need and the sustenance we did and didn't get as kids. In the event that the sun is the light we sparkle, the moon is the shadow we keep. Inside the birth outline, stargazers focus on that shadow to decide endurance impulses, safeguard systems, and in any event, dietary patterns. How are we taken care of and shaped people? By the illumination of the always cherishing moon.

The moon has for some time been related to richness and labor. In like manner, the Moon in crystal gazing is demonstrative of maternal impact and how we keep an eye on the dirt of our own internal identity.

Moon in Aries | Aries Moon Traits

Hair triggers and hellfire, Aries moon individuals are admirably direct about their needs and abjectly impatient about meeting them. “Mine” and “now” are their guiding principles and you will never, ever have to ask them how they feel. You might, however, have to duck.

Moon in Aries folk experience difficult childhoods where a certain amount of emotional self-sufficiency became necessary for survival. Because of this, they develop into radically sovereign adults who greet dependence of any kind with outward hostility. Despite or because of this, they make for fiercely protective parents and impassioned activists. 

Get a Complete Guide About Moon in Taurus

The Taurus moon wants to care for and be cared for on a deeply creaturely level. They actively avoid anything that poses a threat to the easy lives they establish and will rarely initiate unless they have determined the safety, viability, and return on investment of their actions. The upswing of this modality is that they don’t engage in low-level self-sabotage; the downturn is they resist change in order to maintain a sense of stability. Not the gambling type, they prefer to protect themselves and their finances by being overly cautious.

Moon in Gemini | Gemini Moon Traits

Moon in Gemini energy is best described by Lana Del Rey in her 2012 bop, “Ride”: “I’m tired of feeling like I’m f–king crazy/I’m tired of driving ’till I see stars in my eyes/I’ve got a war in my mind.” Indeed, Gemini is the sign of the mind and those with this lunar placement sometimes struggle with being in a closed loop of conversation with themselves. 

Duality, a hallmark of Gemini energy, is expressed here in the disconnect between their private and public selves. To friends and acquaintances they are endlessly engaging; doling out dirty jokes, sage life advice, and charm by the bucket. 

Moon in Cancer | Moon in Cancer Characteristics

Cancer is the natural nesting place of the moon and as such the lunar qualities of these individuals are heightened. Seriously sensitive, highly intuitive, and intensely nostalgic lunar Cancers are easily wounded and prone to carrying the albatross of inherited trauma. They are drawn to places and people that remind them of their own ancestry and history. Problematically nostalgic, they over-idealize the past, remembering it wistfully.

Leo Moon | Complete Guide About Moon in Leo

Those with this lunar placement are given high flair and the pursuit of pleasure. Charismatic and warm, they’re prone to impulsivity and idealism in matters of the heart, falling fast and pedestaling their partners. Leo moons are optimistic and vain, creative and lazy. Believing themselves to be and deserve the best they run the risk of overspending their budget and overestimating their charm. 

There’s a bit of an “all press is good press” mentality to those with this moon. They only feel safe if they feel noticed and only feel nourished if they feel adored. 

Moon in Virgo | Importance of Moon in Virgo Sign

Plagued by perfection, there’s a low-level anxiety that hums in the hearts of lunar Virgos. Hypercritical, they feel compelled to account for the failures and shortcomings of themselves and others, a habit, gone unchecked, that robs them of joy and undermines their ability to exist in the present moment. 

This moon needs to be needed and finds emotional fulfillment in productivity and the ability to help others on a path to betterment. 

Moon in Libra Sign | Meaning, Significance & Personality Traits

Lunar Libras feel safe when they are wanted and anointed by favoritism. They seek this position by putting the needs of others ahead of their own, oftentimes to such a degree that they cannot discern their own wants from their desire to satisfy others. Solitude and reflection are essential to medicine for this modality. 

The mother figure for lunar Libras is usually a dashed romantic whose ideal relationship was always out of reach. The child was cast in the role of mediating between two parents, ever grasping for peace and displaying a dark willingness to do anything to achieve and maintain it.

Moon in Scorpio Sign | Meaning, Significance & Personality Traits

Psychic and a little spooky, this lunar placement is the province of those that see beyond the surface. These folks pride themselves on being able to detect motivations, agendas, weaknesses, and opportunities invisible to mere mortals. Scorpio moons peer through you and dig into you, typically without blinking or consent. This intensity can feel alluring or downright off-putting depending on the temperament of the person being emotionally exhumed. 

Their need to uncover can manifest as devotion to research and craft or the harboring of unhealthy fixations. Scientists and psychopaths find fertile ground here.

Moon in Sagittarius Sign | Meaning, Significance & Traits

Let the good times and the dice roll. Lunar Sagittarius finds safety in freedom and security through personal growth. Education, both traditional and self-directed, is a mark of this moon. The enthusiasm and humor of this ilk is a contagion that makes their tendency to preach, exaggerate and obfuscate the truth mostly forgivable. Natural storytellers, sometimes struggle with blunt-force delivery and the weaponization of their words. 

Moon in Capricorn | Know its Positive and Negative Impact

No matter how rough the going gets, the lunar Capricorn keeps composed. These folks harbor a wellspring of emotions but are continually blocked from expressing them. They fear letting go and find overt displays of feeling and affection tacky. For them, the ability to maintain decorum and forward momentum amidst the chaos is a personal strength. Their great lesson is to learn to enjoy and not simply manage life. 

Not a merry band of risk-takers, lunar Caps crave status, security, and the approval of others. They excel at organization and need very much to be trusted and revered when it comes to their ability to do so. 

Moon in Aquarius Sign | Meaning, Significance & Traits

Moon in Aquarius is the domain of oddballs and anarchists. They’re built to watch, question, and disrupt. Naturally shy, and acutely different, they regularly feel like outsiders, a somewhat lonely positioning that grants them the vantage point of observation. They see all and in turn, are endlessly fascinated by the view. 

At their highest expression, lunar Aquarians are intellectuals who want very much to dismantle harmfully or limiting social structures. These people value freedom and want to help others find it.

Moon in Pisces Sign | Meaning, Significance & Traits

Dreamy at best, and delusional at worst, the moon in Pisces is the watery home of geniuses, empaths, and people who wear prosthetic fairy ears. These folks are in touch with the collective unconscious and the best of them reveal what the best for all can be. Empathetic extraterrestrials that they are, these folk habitually cast themselves in the role of rescuer. Lunar Pisceans also easily absorb the feelings and psychic debris of others, an exhausting combination that can lead them to seek solace in substances.

How do moon signs affect your personality? Talk to expert astrologers to know more.

acharya kunjka
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