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What is the method of fixing the issue of Roku error code 018?

Sofia Jonas
What is the method of fixing the issue of Roku error code 018?

One of the most popular devices to stream videos, Roku entertains the users with its source of entertainment. After coming from the office, all you think of is watching the favorite TV show on Roku. But how will you feel when you find that the error is there?

Fixing the bug of Roku:

Well, we have got many questions on how to fix Roku error code 018. let us see some of the steps that you can take to rectify the error. You can also ask the customer care executives about the issue. They will help you out. Let us see the steps to come out of the issue:

  • The first step is to check the internet connection whether it is working or not.
  • Try opening the website like YouTube, Google on another device. This will ensure that the router is working fine. 
  • You can check the name of the network with which your Roku is connected. Make sure that it is receiving signals.

Check the strength of Wi-Fi on your Roku.

Follow the steps below to check signal strength:

  • The first step is to press the home button on the remote of Roku.
  • Then, go to the settings and then on Network.
  • You have to select “About” from the list.
  • Then, you will find the strength of the signal.

For more details contact our helpline number +1 805 209 2307 our technicians will assist you. our helpline number available 24by7. 

Sofia Jonas
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