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Things You Didn't Know About -Legal VS. Physical- Child Custody

Jos family Law
Things You Didn't Know About -Legal VS. Physical- Child Custody

Divorce is not a pleasant procedure and is particularly difficult when it includes children. In certain cases, the two splitting parents come to an amicable arrangement that suits both the parents and their children's needs.

It is the perfect option, by far. It is known, however, that the very reason for divorce can make it impossible for both parties to find a fair agreement on something, or at least how their children will be cared for. That is where a family law court and a family law attorney can help settle disputes with the best interests of children.
There is a distinction in California between the legal custody of the children of divorced parents and their physical custody. Differences can appear impossible for parents to understand, and there is a lot of variation between them.
Nonetheless, it is crucial for parents who go through a divorce to understand what these terms mean. Because when the case is heard in court, the issue of custodial arrangements will arise. 
Physical and Legal custody 
The major difference between legal and physical custody is that legal custody applies to the critical decisions about a child made during the duration of his or her dependent life. 
Physical custody applies to children's after-divorce living arrangements. Again, physical custody can be granted to both parents or just one. 
The difference between shared and sole legal and physical custody means multiple different combinations are available. To children's best interests, the final deliberation will always be determined and not the convenience of either or both parents. 
Making decisions about your children when you're going through a divorce is one of the most significant and often the most painful aspects of the divorce process. 
It is best to share your thoughts with an experienced divorce attorney who can provide guidance, secure that you have sufficient documentation to establish your preferences for custody, and negotiate on your behalf. Jos Family Law, the best Child Custody Lawyers in Tustin, CA, welcomes you for a free consultation, call us at 1-714-733-7066 today!

Jos family Law
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