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photography courses in kochi | Luminar Film Academy

luminarfilimacademy@gmail.com luminar@1234
photography courses in kochi | Luminar Film Academy

Luminar Film Academy offers integrated courses in direction, editing, acting, scriptwriting, sound editing, acting, and certified courses in still photography, cinematography, scriptwriting.

  Luminar Group of Institutions has always aimed at providing the youth with industry-oriented courses, enabling them to compete with confidence and succeed in the global market. Our vision is to be a center of excellence in film making, winning global fame, producing the best performers and achievers in the field. 

If you are in search of the best photography institute in Kerala, the best option might be Luminar Film Academy. Because they aim to produce industry standardized film professionals through extensive practical know-how which is far better than theoretical knowledge.


luminarfilimacademy@gmail.com luminar@1234
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