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Mix and Match Shoes Sneakers Women To the Appearance of the Brightness

melly marena
Mix and Match Shoes Sneakers Women To the Appearance of the Brightness

Shoes sneakers so the mainstay of a lot of people, be it men, women, teenagers, young adults, until it was ripe to be worn as footwear in daily activities.

in Addition to because of course comfortable to wear, along with the development of fashion so pesar, sneakers the day the present with a model that is increasingly diverse.

wearing shoes women, actually there is a trick to the mix-her own loh! So no one costume aliases saltum. Such as what mix and match in wear sneakers? Menyitat Theeverygirl and Fashionbeans, Sunday (31/3/2019) consider first let's review a brief mix and match sneakers for women and men below.

1. T-Shirt dress

For those who want to look style “cool girl’ with sneakers, just wear a T-Shirt dress plain without a motive. Select a color contrast with the shoes used, for example, a T-Shirt dress plain black color with the jeans jacket model oversized tied at the waist, then pair it with sneakers basic white color.

2. Socks picture and the jeans

the Couple denim and shoes women what you have is a pair of classic. Make the look more chic by choosing a T-shirt picture (graphic tee) as tops with jeans model looser fit fitting ankle. To mix and match, choose shoes sneakers patterned alias printed sneaker.

3. Fun pant

Mentioned as one of the easiest ways to look fashionable with sneakers while wearing the outfit basic. Select the sweatshirt color is plain white as the tops, pair it with fun pants bright color contrast for example red brick or terracotta. Last, stay wear a pair of sneakers laced color is plain white.


melly marena
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