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Search Engine Optimization: Impact of Social Media on SEO in 2020

John Jack
Search Engine Optimization: Impact of Social Media on SEO in 2020


SEO is an ever-changing field, and people need to constantly keep in updating themselves in order to survive in the online market. There are a lot of things to study for an SEO professional such as learning and applying search engine’s terms, updates, policies, raking factors, and features. Nobody can say that he has mastered everything in SEO as there will be so many things you might be still missing, and search engines are constantly updating and changing technologies. Every SEO best practices are dependent on the search engine’s ranking factors and policies.

Not only search engines, but there are other factors as well, which can influence your SERP or search engine result page ranking, such as social media and so on. You might say how the hell social media can impact your SEO ranking, but that is true, and the truth is always bitter in some ways.

Many people already know that the search engines regularly crawl Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram profiles and professional pages, and some social media pages often appear on SERPs as well.

It is not that clear for most users how much does social media impacts SEO. In this article, we are going to discuss just that.

We will tell you what social media aspects can affect your SEO and how you can cope with them.

Let’s get started.

Content Frequency: Overkills Your SEO and SMO’s techniques

Keep on posting content that is valuable for your audience regularly. When you do so, you have the opportunity to share this insane content even with your social media platforms. No matter whether you have a huge number of followers on social media or not, just keep on posting our website or blog articles on your social profiles and social media pages.

Don’t get disappointed by looking at the puny number of likes, comments, and shares. Even if people are not reading it, search engine bots are surely crawling that all. When bots crawl the shared links of your website, they return back to your site.

It might not directly impact your search engine ranking, but providing content that people are seeking will surely attract a considerable audience, and people will start sharing your content with others. Whenever someone shares your website links, they actually create a backlink for your website unintentionally. Many would say that they are “no-follow” links but also consider that most social media have potent domain and page authority. These are easily above 90 domain authority backlinks that will surely impact SEO in the long run.

High-Quality Videos

Google and other search engines love professional video content. YouTube is social media as well but is a powerful search engine that has billions of regular users. Sharing regular content on YouTube is another important factor that can surge your organic SEO rankings. Google often loves to answer some queries with the help of videos sometimes. For example, you can try asking Google, “how to do a push-up,” and bang it will show you a video for how to perform a perfect push up.

 Enhance your Content’s Reach

Are you writing high-quality blogs regularly on your site? Are you sharing them on popular social media sites? If yes, then you are not doing anything significant. Every marketer does that, and while it is helpful, you are still missing lots of potential customers and traffic.

Here is how to enhance your content’s reach with potential buyers:

  1. Find out the website and social media sites that you have not targeted yet for your content.
  2. Then analyze its traffic and audience.
  3. Know what audience is best for you.
  4. Find out what people are like to see on those social media sites.
  5. Reconstruct your website content and convert them into bulletins or short articles. Such as summarize your best-selling blog into a video speech
  6. Convert a large article into small striking content such as infographics, GIFs, and so on.

Then post your reconstructed content on social media sites that you researched and analyzed in previous steps. These less popular social media can enhance your organic reach to an utterly new level.

Hariom Balhara is an inventive person who has been doing intensive research in particular topics and writing blogs and articles for Tireless IT Services. Tireless IT Services is a digital marketing, SEO, SMOPPC, and web development company that comes with massive experiences.  We specialize in digital marketing, web design and development, graphic design, and a lot more.

John Jack
Zupyak is the world’s largest content marketing community, with over 400 000 members and 3 million articles. Explore and get your content discovered.
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