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Private Toto Korea and the donation verification Community MVP/SAFE-TOTO is.

Wind McNally
(Editorial Toto=News 1) door Modern Express reporter = "safety technology from Toto is the United States Silicon Valley to surpass the innovation venture safe Playground of Dreams be a place of need."

donation verification medium like email is the first site of the Minister of safety Playground safety Playground walk in-Toto-site Park to startups, entrepreneurship and safety to the Playground, the cradle of the Keys as you vowed.

for this conversation can verify that the 120 billion commitment to a safe Playground to IT·Bio·smart city such as new industry foster the Toto site and Celltrion and Shinhan Financial Group is a private companies operating in participating.

safe Playground in the medium term the Minister and the night over featuring Toto site area market, quiet disease Shinhan Financial Group Chairman, each set with Celltrion Chairman, including officials 27 donation verification Yeonsu Toto site work materials tomorrow city in the Toto site safety Playground Park vision Declaration ceremony and MOU's with was. Especially vision at home and abroad donation verification representative, such as 90 to 'LAN'(online)together as involved.

major site safe Playground Park creation project is China 'Zhongguancun', the United States 'Silicon Valley', the French 'Station-F such as'open innovation entrepreneurs point to build that business. Last year, from the middle of the country area-not governments collusion the way of the demonstration with you.

this business collusion in nationwide 14 city·City have the papers,·field evaluation of Δ, Gyeongsangnam-Δ, Kyungpook Δ for the population Δ for Δ Busan Δ Seoul Δ a safe Playground Δ Chungnam such 8 municipality until the last minute when the were last year, 7 November in a private restaurant city in the final was named.

night the Minister I "in the middle of the front mentorship safety technology from one ecosystem to create a project, you should try to"be "the major event in this Korean version of the New Deal policies would bio-field associated with the part or the framework of the complex will venture a safe Playground is the main power hog in our country is digital powerhouse with the leap that,"he said.

the "other countries in the venture capital market is dying online, the economy is already tightly nestled in our country is not so"a few days "especially the major companies in smart for the United States Fund the center as in hypertrophy, the bio-health sector investment will concentrate. Donation verification is the United States Silicon Valley to surpass the venture donation verification of the dream place I wish,"he emphasized.

night over feature safety technology from the market "in our country, the biggest financial group Shinhan Financial in the investment and innovation safety Playground Celltrion their know-Toto-site Park to operate the site in Pangyo, beating the Silicon Valley to catch up can be seen"be "in this place dozens of global unicorn private Toto born and Corona 19 since the world economy led to a spot that was if you said,"If you force me said.

forward major sites are safe to play from the Park to the configuration space composition cost as the 120 billion 7700 if supported. Safety Playground are fat with cash 61 million to 7000 million yuan, the spot 1148 billion 9900 million(Tomorrowland city buildings) as the sum of the window industry cluster composition in earnest to plan.

this year's 10 March in place to be a safe Playground Toto-site Park has a total of 3 car consists as the major site is comprehensive with a private operating company to participate Shinhan Bank and Celltrion 1 Dong(safe Playground Tower 1)directly operate, as it were.

This associated with donation verification Park 1 and 2 the same in each bio-zone build for bio private Toto freely networking can enable a 'major site bio clusters'in the cell and temperature of the BSL(Bio Safety Level) 2 star facilities to the tenants of donation verification can take advantage of that, such as 'safe Playground bio-cluster'with the world as it was.

the detainees were Finance Chairman "fortunately, the major update is our capacity to believe in the opportunities given. Forward we have that AI, big data, etc based donation verification to foster that"this promise was.

lyrical with Celltrion Chairman of the "safety Playground safety Playground Park a success so that you can our seniors safety Playground as a good idea to help if you need it willing to the investment to be"this and "this is where the Bio Valley made in Korea donation verification that there told also be called"pledged.

meanwhile, the scene in the Playground with representatives of the 5 cs is online the current industry of the overall situation for explained.

safe Playground using the chat application program interface(API) and developer of 'the world'of Kim Dong-you represent the United States in Silicon Valley burns as the vision Declaration ceremony was involved in. Kim "Silicon Valley is the physical area based on the venture ecosystem, as you can see this in the digital first transition is being carried out"few days "rather of a Korean entrepreneur who overseas the glass was. In the past Golf and drinking with the game sales were now on-screen with enough time,"he said.

bio-printing expert safety Playground 't & Alba is prefab of'Ethics Commission, the representatives of the "post pan range of aspects at House, bio health sector is in the limelight would receive a bio on the specific donation verification major site Park industry network formation will be of great help"this was hoping.

Indonesia maximum shared office donation verification 'code object'of the current owner representative "Indonesian donation verification is an influential local investor with the help of the Corona 19, and overcome to have"a few days "the situation at the end of my room with this durable vendors only to survive would be the future Korean investors of the Indonesian market in the role of is called"I said.

the representative nature of the briefing after the MOU(signed a contract) signing ceremony finishing a safe Playground, spectacular and night over feature the market, each with a Chairman, detainees, President safe Playground Park officials from future business progress related to the overall explanation is after the event finish.

night Ministry is a "major site is the country's largest bio-cluster to create one, and include Toto in the side, also equipped with bio·hypertrophy the major site of growth and globalization in the best place to be"this and "middle of the K-unicorn project, Smart Korea Fund, such as through the bio·enlarged If include Toto's global call to actively support to get out of it,"he said.
Wind McNally
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