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B-Tech: Why Do You Need a Modern Education System?

sowjanya lakshmi
B-Tech: Why Do You Need a Modern Education System?

The traditional education system or primitive method of education, followed by most of the B-Tech colleges in India today, is in a contingency of change. The shift to the modern education system relying on computers and the internet.


Let us first understand the difference between both methods.

The major difference that appears in our minds is the difference between sitting in front of a computer and sitting in a classroom with a trainer.


However, this is not the only difference. There are differences in the learning style, the technology involved, etc which affects the learner.


The traditional education system is teacher-driven. Students interact with the teacher and gain knowledge on the topics discussed by the teacher. So, the knowledge attained by the student is proportional to the knowledge imparted by the trainer.

Punctuality is the key player in this system as it is time-based. The social interaction is the positive impact of this system.

Extracurricular activities, group discussions, and seminars are all core techniques of education involved in engineering colleges. Face to face interaction assures impart of knowledge, in a secular method.

 But this is a generalized learning system where passive listeners attain the knowledge imparted to them. There is no flexibility in timings and one needs to stick to the college timings. The classroom teaching is comparatively more expensive.


As against the traditional system of learning, the modern learning methods endeavor independent learning. Students must be self-motivated and train themselves towards achieving their academic goals. Modern learning is more of a visual way of learning. Students are subject to learn the topics provided to them by thorough search on the internet. Distant education or education apart from the classrooms is supported by this mode of education. Students attain a global reach from their laptops. Flexibility adds to the value of the modern education system. Students can gain knowledge in the subject at any time irrespective of the college timings and revisit the topics with the full content from any place. It is student-centered and comparatively cost-efficient.


The B-Tech colleges are therefore looking for a shift to the modern education system with computers and the internet for a better connectivity touch to the education system.





sowjanya lakshmi
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