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Leading advisor of financial solutions, Jianpu gives statement

FinTech Buzz
Leading advisor of financial solutions, Jianpu gives statement

Jianpu Technology Inc. (“Jianpu,” or the “Company”) (NYSE: JT), a leading independent open platform for discovery and recommendation of financial products in China, today announced that Mr. Daqing (David) Ye, the Co-founder, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the Company, was appointed as a vice chairman of the advisory board of Mobile Application Security Committee (“MASC”), a sub-committee of Mobile Smart Terminal Technology Innovation and Industry Alliance (“MTIA”). MTIA is a signature technology association founded by the China Academy of Information and Communications Technology.

The MASC attracts a number of leading internet companies and FinTech companies, as well as seasoned industry experts, and is dedicated to building a secure, reliable, disciplined and compliance-oriented ecosystem for the healthy and sustainable development and operations of mobile applications in China.

Mr. David Ye said, “It’s a great honor to be elected as the vice chairman of MASC, which is expected to play an important role in promoting the healthy development of the mobile internet industry. We appreciate such recognition by the regulators and industry participants of our consistent efforts to develop industry-wide standards and promote industry best practices, including defining guidelines for digital financial platforms, corporate responsibility and the product standards, as well as conducting consumer rights protection and education. Rong360 | Jianpu Technology always takes safeguarding user information and protecting user privacy as a paramount priority in our efforts to strengthen technology innovation and advancement. As we continue to fulfill our founding mission to become everyone’s financial partner, we are most willing to align with other renowned internet companies to foster a secure cyber environment for the sustainable development of mobile applications. Meanwhile, we will continue to provide our users with more comprehensive finance-related content and anti-fraud education to help them better manage their personal finance.”

FinTech Buzz
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