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Unaffected Corona, RI the Import of 103 Thousand Tons of Garlic China

Berita Terkini
Unaffected Corona, RI the Import of 103 Thousand Tons of Garlic China

Earlier, the Director general of Domestic Trade Suhanto said it will soon issue a Letter of Import Approval (SPI) garlic if it has received RIPH from the Ministry of agriculture. "The ministry of trade clear if there is a RIPH must directly issue a SPI," said Suhanto.

for information, Indonesia is still dependent on the import of garlic from China. Based on data from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS), the import of garlic in 2019 reach 465 thousand tons or the equivalent of US$ 529,96 million, derived entirely from the Land of the Panda.

While in 2018, imported garlic reach 582,99 thousand tons or the equivalent of US$ 497,25 million. Such imports come from China as much as 580,84 thousand tons, Taiwan as much as 1.68 million tons, India 464 tons, Singapore 36 kilograms, and Malaysia 14 kilograms.

this Article has been published in the Katadata.co.id with the title "is Not Affected Corona, RI the Import of 103 Thousand Tons of Garlic China" , https://katadata.co.id/berita/2020/02/10/tak-terpengaruh-corona-ri-impor-103-ribu-ton-bawang-putih-tiongkok
Author: Rizky Alika
Editor: Happy Fajrian

Berita Terkini
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