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Consumer Behavior of Ordering Food from Multiple Restaurant Apps

Sakthi Vignesh Kumar
Consumer Behavior of Ordering Food from Multiple Restaurant Apps

No matter what food services you provide to the customers and where your brick and mortar store or restaurant is located, the fact that you need a mobile presence to reach out to your audience doesn’t change. Whether you run a fast food business in the suburbs or a popular restaurant in the heart of the city, you will need to digitize your business to expand your reach.

Going digital will not only get your brand in front of a new audience, but it results in the retention of your existing customers. There is no denying a quality restaurant delivery app has tons of benefits on your restaurant and food business.

Factors that influence Consumers to order food on multiple apps

  • Discounts & Timely offers

Using Mobile Apps to Order Food

Nowadays, customers have started ordering food from different restaurants and mobile apps. They do it to test the services and quality of food in different stores. Placing an order on the website can be a little inconvenient to your audiences that use mobile phones. They will need to navigate around your website to locate the menu page.

Do you know 70% of people want to check the menu of a restaurant on their mobiles? It doesn’t come as a surprise considering that mobile is portable and we remain glued to our smartphones almost 24/7. Earlier, when the online food ordering system wasn’t available, people had to check the menus online and note the items they would like to order. They would call the restaurant or grocery store to place the order. It was super inconvenient and time-consuming for both restaurants and customers to order food on calls.

Convenience is the Reasons for Increasing Customers of Mobile App

Today, the on-demand delivery apps save you the time and effort on calling companies to place food orders. Placing an order has become as simple as adding your favorite food items to your shopping cart and completing the checkout process. It is easier and convenient for your audience to place orders from within the mobile app. Moreover, orders placed on calls can lead to errors. That is the reason why more than 25% of customers have food and restaurant apps installed on their phones.

Every time they need to order something, they use their favorite restaurant app. The countless options have also made it convenient for users to try different applications and grocery stores. Customers do not stick to one restaurant. Usually, it is not possible for customers to pay a visit to the grocery store or the food store that’s located at inconvenient locations. But, mobile apps allow people to test and try food from multiple restaurants. Yes, you read it right! All they have to do is download the food app from PlayStore or AppStore, find the menu, and place an order. That’s it! No matter where they are located, the delivery man will deliver the order at the given address.

It Simplifies the Process

The possibility of errors reduces dramatically when you have a mobile app. Restaurants find it easier to prepare the food order of multiple customers using the mobile application. You don’t have to worry about delivering wrong orders at the given address and having your customers return the product and leave a negative review.

Every time you receive a new order, the same will be displayed on the POS screen. Another major advantage of the food delivery app is that your customers will not have to wait in the long lines. Usually, restaurants are all booked out on Saturday and Sunday nights. This leads to a huge crowd at the reception. The last thing a customer wants after traveling all the way to the restaurant is to find it all booked. If they use their mobile to place an order for the food, they have an option to switch mobile apps. So, if their favorite food is sold out in one restaurant, they can use another restaurant mobile app to order their favorite food.

In simple clicks, they can change restaurants and use multiple mobile apps. Another reason why customers order from multiple restaurants is that it offers interesting options. They can order an entire meal from one restaurant and order dessert from another in a few clicks.

Sakthi Vignesh Kumar
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