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5 Trends Shaping The World Of AI

Ron Turner
5 Trends Shaping The World Of AI

Artificial intelligence will revolutionize the future of work, whether to replace humans in their forbidding tasks with automation, to help them in mechanical or medical diagnostics, to improve the manufacturing process, or to create a better shopping experience in the retail space.

Over the years, companies train their algorithms to make them more efficient. Their progress is notably due to the evolution of electronics offering them ever greater computing power, or systems optimized to be able to run the algorithms as close as possible to the object. Among the many developments, here are 5 trends that should shake up 2019.

1. Artificial intelligence chips

Artificial intelligence requires a large amount of data and, therefore, a great deal of computing power to carry out its learning by reinforcement (deep learning). Electronics manufacturers then developed chips dedicated to supercomputers, as is the case with Nvidia, Intel or AMD, but are also developing inference chips for data centers to quickly run deep learning algorithms. pre-trained. According to some of the major AI leaders, the objective is to have a more efficient remote artificial intelligence (on the cloud). Qualcomm just launched its Qualcomm Cloud IA 100 chip this year. Web giants, such as Facebook (partnership with Intel), Amazon Web Services or even Google Cloud, are also on the move.

2. Embedded intelligence

In cyber-physical systems based on artificial intelligence, the question of embedding computing power or deporting it to the cloud comes up regularly. For the sake of connectivity or data security, companies have developed embedded artificial intelligence. This “on the edge” AI performs the calculations and its learning on the object thanks to the optimization of the algorithms so as not to require great computing power. This is particularly the case in industry for Cartesiam or Amiral Technologies, offering predictive maintenance.

3. A diagnostic aid

One of the areas in which artificial intelligence could have a significant impact is medicine, particularly in helping to diagnose cancer. Google recently worked with Northwestern University Hospital to develop an AI capable of detecting lung cancer. The web giant had already demonstrated its skills in this area with the detection of breast cancer. Other research focuses on different types of cancer, such as the cervix. With billions of dollars being poured in to help save peoples lives, this would be a welcomed breakthrough around the world.

4. Facial recognition

Facial recognition could take a new turn in 2019. Installed for a few years in China, it was the subject of an experiment in February in Nice during the Carnival with 1000 volunteers who gave their consent to be targeted by the cameras. The aim was to test access control, the detection of an individual in a crowd or a person of interest on the public highway. Amazon has also been the subject of claims for the sale of its Rekognition technology to government agencies. Many Futurists suggest that while facial technology can play a vital role in many sectors of business, there is also reason to be concerned about how this technology can be used.

5. Smart assistants

We remember well, last year, the demonstration of Google and its voice assistant "Duplex" which makes a restaurant reservation punctuated by "uh" and "hum". This month, The New York Times revealed that the entire service was not performed by this assistant and that humans were behind the calls received 25% of the time. New projects, such as Mozilla's Common Voice, are being launched to compete with the best known in the sector such as Alexa or Siri. Progress is expected in this area.

Ron Turner
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