There could be numerous problems behind TomTom not working. It arises very rarely, but however it happens, simply reset your device

Browsers are important as you can’t access internet without them and there can be times when you can face problems like Chrome not responding.
As a browser is constantly connected to the internet, it means that it is vulnerable to certain issues.
Your browser can face a number of problems which can affect the way you use the internet.
This problem can be a result of the presence of excessive amount of cache and cookies, in such a case, you need to clear your cookies and cache and then try to sign in again.Antivirus blocking the program.
Your Chrome can cease to function if it has been attacked by a virus or ravaged by a malware.
The Random Access Memory of your computer can sometimes be overworked hence there is no area to operate your browser, which can lead to constant hanging and freezing.Browser not working because of too many tabs and windows.