Mobile phones shifted our mind set to communicate with software. The significant challenge that we will spot in the future is mobile application testing.
Let’s begin this way, how many of us handling mobile now? Everyone right? Yes, everyone has mobile phones for different purposes. Some use it for communication, and some use it for extensive purposes like calls, messages, and lots of applications like banking, financial services, and insurance apps, healthcare apps, shopping apps, games, and social media apps.
We are noticing the extension of the mobile application is rising in high volume. But at the same time, the collapse of mobile applications likewise expanding continuously. For example, if an app on our mobile phone doesn’t work rightly then, it uses too much battery life, uses more storage space, and even we don’t know what’s working until the damage does already done.
In today’s environment, a performance issue with the mobile application is swiftly commencing to revenue loss, the brand of the application, and employee productivity as well.
So, let me get to the blog now. Targeting the right user interest and concentrating on the issue that users don’t crave to see is the solution to success for mobile applications. So, how do we transform the way of the test? And how we will encourage developers, stakeholders, and end-users?
7 Informational Points for Mobile App Testers
Testing Info
- Requirements
- Software requirement specification
- Requirements covered
- Repeated requirements
- Explore apps
- Details of the application
- Extra feature
- How to use the application?
- Design screen
- Flow of the application
- Which module is critical
- Integrated module
- Reviews
- Positive reviews
- Negative reviews
- Repeated reviews
- Product owner
- Purpose of the application
- History of the product
- Competing products
- Targeted market
- About revenue
- Developer
- Technologies involved
- Requirement documents
- About module details
- Developing time
- Similar apps
- Existing feature
- Added feature
- Planned feature
Challenges facing by the testers
- Mobile connectivity
- Resource vs variety of devices and OS
- Usability/User experience
- Performance and Security
These are the four foremost factors and the most significant challenges we are encountering in non-functional testing. Let’s address it.
Usability/User Experience - Touch:
Usability is a primary quality concern for mobile apps than web or desktop. Every people is handling the mobile apps in a different way like touch, long press, force touch, drag, swipe, double-tap, and split screens. We are not proffering priority to UI/UX testing at an early stage, so it should be tested thoroughly before building the application to overcome the cost in the future.
Performance and security:
When it gets to the performance and security of the application, we are testing some API and load testing with N number of users. But all the users will not use the application the extent we test. We should validate that low CPU memory and small server storage will not limit apps from performing based on the specifications. So, as a tester, we have to stimulate a real-life testing environment.
We all operate four to five mobile apps every day. We can control everything on mobile apps like our bank account balance, latest cricket scores, shopping for an outfit, and finding directions to a restaurant. So, we have to build a security architecture (Thread Model) and secure coding rules to be defined. In this stage, the security testing architecture needs to be determined by both testers and developers.
Resource vs a variety of devices and OS:
The majority of app failures are related to app compatibility concerning device and OS versions. So we can check our apps with virtual tools handling the process we test with physical devices. We can use a cloud-based device platform like an AWS. These cloud-based testing will help the testers to reduce testing a wide range of android and iOS devices.
Mobile connectivity:
The other significant challenge we are overlooking is mobile connectivity. So checking mobile apps manually on different types of mobile connectivity is difficult. So, it’s impossible to test in all the networks by sitting in one place but, testers can use network emulators to develop realistic scenario data loss, high and low bandwidth.
Final thought
Testers should be aware of all these non-functional testing challenges to release a bug-free application.