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Royal Jordanian Compensation Policy on Delayed or Cancelled Flights

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Royal Jordanian Compensation Policy on Delayed or Cancelled Flights

Has your flight suddenly delayed or cancelled by the airlines without any prior notification? Then you will look for the compensation that most of the Airlines carrier provide to their passengers and it is also your right. If you have booked a flight with Royal Jordanian which is delayed or cancelled, then you are eligible to get the compensation under the EU 261 rule up to €600 per passenger.

Royal Jordanian Flight Cancellation Compensation

If your Royal Jordanian flight is cancelled and you didn’t get any kind of prior notification from the scheduled departure, then you can claim compensation up to €600 per passenger. You will only eligible for the compensation as per the Royal Jordanian cancellation policyor below conditions if:

· Your booked flight was cancelled without any prior notice of at least 14 days from the scheduled departure.

The text above is a summary, you can read full article here

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