Summary: Surviving Allergies this spring
Use these tips to manage your spring allergy symptoms.
Common symptoms
- Runny nose
- Stuffy or itchy nose
- Coughing
- Watery eyes
- Sneezing
- Worsened asthma flare-ups
- Avoid going outside when the grass is being mown
- Stay inside on high pollen days
- Wear sunglasses
- Keep windows closed on windy days
- Vacuum 2 x week
- Clean bedsheets regularly
- Wash your hair regularly
Know your triggers
- Mango tree
- Plane tree
- Rye grass
- Pellitory
- Bottlebush
- Australian pine
- Jasmine
- Molds
- Consistently take doctor-recommended medicines and treatments (antihistamines)
- Nasal Spray Decongestants: try Nozoil Nasal Drops and Nozoil Nasal Spray by Flo
- Eye drops
- Extra Vitamin C to boost your immune system
Allergies can also trigger asthma symptoms, making it more difficult to breathe.
Take steps to control and improve these symptoms:
- Nasal Decongestants:try Nozoil Nasal Drops and Nozoil Nasal Spray by Flo
- Antihistamines
- Nasal steroids
the prescriptions given by your doctor: inhaled steroids, bronchodilators, etc.
Visit our Respiratory Care Page to see which breathing aids we can help you with.