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Yoga 7 best Aasanas for glowing skin

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Yoga 7 best Aasanas for glowing skin




Yoga is a very old practice from India and now famous all around the world. Yoga has a number of benefits. Practicing yoga can do a miracle to your body, it helps in reducing stress, also helps in purification or detox our body, increase your concentration power, and also helps in gaining glowing skin. That’s why on 21 June we celebrate Yoga day.

Here are some best 10 yoga asanas for glowing skin :

1) Paschimottanasana


How to do  

First, sit down and stretch out your legs in front and place your arm on your thighs. By inhaling bend yourself forward and try holding your palm. Now breathe normally and be in this position for about 10-seconds, come back to normal position, and now repeat this 3 to 4 times.

This yoga involves intense stretching, helps in reducing stress and anxiety also helps in purifying blood which improves skin complexion and also reduces the appearance of wrinkles.  This yoga aasan will also improve your digestion, otherwise, your digestion probably can lead to many skin problems such as pimples and acne.

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