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How to make money from writing?

Archie Heron
How to make money from writing?

Do you like to write? Do you think you do it well? Maybe it is time to think about how to turn it into money? There are a few proven ways to make money from writing. But before you know them, remember that they are not big secrets.

If you really want to make money from your literary talent, you have to do your best, because there are more people who come up with this idea.

Blog. Yes, a blog can bring you money. If you start a readable blog, traffic will increase so much (at least 10,000 page views per month) that you will easily find advertisers. To make it readable, you first need to advertise it a bit. You will gain readers through AdWords or Facebook ads. It can take you years to gather thousands of visitors in the traditional way. The next step is to optimise your blog and look for advertisers (you can place a banner with catchy information in a prominent place on your blog). The best optimised blog for advertising is one that looks nice and is specialised. Don't write about everything just about one particular plot of land that you are interested in. It may be comic books or gardening, but be consistent, or you will lose confidence.

A handbook. If you know something very, very well, you can write a useful ebook. It can be a stress management guide, childcare or a textbook for learning some exotic language. It is important that you write it in such a way that you would like to look at it yourself (if you did not have all the knowledge in your head). You don't need a program to create ebooks, all you have to do is export the document to PDF format - that's what printing costs you. But you should make sure the text is well presented. It's about highlights, tables and other elements that make reading easy and enjoyable. Both sales and promotions can take place online.

A book. If you are the type of old-fashioned writer or poet, you can publish your own book. A book that nobody wants to publish is not the end of the world. There are other ways. After all, you can have your book printed by an ordinary printer. Prepare the text and draft the cover, they will make it a real book and you can start selling it. There is one downside - you pay for the printout out of your own pocket. But if the price of the book is appropriate to the quality and you find a way to market it, you have a chance to succeed. Advertising a book does not have to be expensive. Are you missing an idea? Go to a casting for one of the talent shows. Present yourself there as a "ufo" and you'll definitely appear on TV. People will be looking for information about you on the Internet, and there will be an offer to buy a book waiting for them. If you can write, you are ingenious enough to come up with ten such ideas yourself.

Marketing texts. If you have at least a basic knowledge of marketing, you have the conditions to write advertising texts. These can be content for folders and catalogues, for websites, so-called "pretzels". (presell page, or articles for website positioning) and even scenarios for advertising spots. You can work as a copywriter (or SEO specialist) at an advertising agency or work from home on a freelance basis. If you choose the second option, you can search for jobs on freelance portals or advertise on the Internet (yes, there again!). The work will be creative, rewarding, but unfortunately also stressful. The more experience you have, the more interesting the tasks and the higher earnings you will receive.

Guidance articles and reviews. There are plenty of portals on the web (how else?) which advise how to stick a nail straight into the wall, rewind a baby or boil water for pasta. If you have a sense of mission, join the communities that create these very useful texts. Some of the portals pay the authors, others are voluntary. You want to write for the former, but you can get used to the latter. There are also portals that evaluate services and products. There, earnings are usually low, often limited to free samples, discount coupons or vouchers for rated products. But don't be discouraged. Once you've got the skills, you'll write faster, better and more effectively. You will also start to receive higher profits.

One more tip to finish before you get down to work: be hardworking and stubborn. Only the most persistent ones make their dreams come true (and live on a tropical island, once a week sending a newspaper article written in a hammock). Talent alone is not enough. No one will pay you for unfinished stories.

Archie Heron
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