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How to Write a Compelling Copy in a Boring Industry

How to Write a Compelling Copy in a Boring Industry

For giant brands like Apple and Tesla, one can say that the copy practically writes itself.  However, not every business belongs to a dynamic industry, and not every piece of content is written to be shared.

For companies in a mundane or “boring” industry, producing effective copy is a lot more challenging. For services that require privacy and discretion such as loan provision and healthcare, organic content sharing is actually limited, if at all existent. This puts the business owner in a pickle since a significant portion of online business marketing is all about producing quality content.

So, how do you catch and keep a reader’s attention when your line of business is not that exciting?

If you identify with the struggle to write riveting posts for tedious products, know that there are techniques you can use to boost engagement and results.

Here’s how to write compelling copy in a boring industry:

1.       Keep Your Focus on Your Ideal Customer

Regardless of your industry, you must have a buyer persona for marketing assistance. When you create content, it’s important to focus on your buyer persona instead of using broad concepts.

Are you an accounting business lending funds to struggling entrepreneurs? Make a list of the top queries and concerns you hear from clients and use these as topics. When you keep your content specific and close to home, you are directly speaking to people who have a dire need for your service.

2.       Find and Cultivate Interesting Topics Relating to Your Company

Belonging in a boring industry doesn’t automatically mean you’re a boring company. You can rouse the interest of readers and potential clients by scouting for and highlighting interesting aspects of your own company.

Do you support a charitable organization? Why not tell your readers about your cause? Do you sell car parts or provide parking spaces? Write about road safety, parking tips for first-time drivers, or the dangers of being on the phone while driving. This approach takes your content ideas from a limited audience to a wider readership.

3.       Offer Expert Advice in Simple Terms

Imagine being an average employee who wants to be more financially stable. You research for professional financial advice and find a promising website – only to be bombarded with terms like balanced fund and portfolio allocation. Instead of exciting you about financial learning, you start to doubt and delay your decision.

But what if the average employee is your target client? A compelling copy doesn’t need to be riddled with technical terms. It must get to the level of its target reader and educate through platforms that are easy to digest and remember. Using infographics, case studies, and videos are some of the best ways to go about doing this.

4.       Use a Different Angle

Immersing yourself in your business for a long time can make you too caught up in the same set of ideas. If you want to make copy that reels in the audience and gives you an edge over your competitors, take on subjects from a different angle.

You can do this by working with a content writer VA (virtual assistant) who can offer fresh ideas and expert strategies on how to hook readers.

Don’t let uninspiring products restrict you to boring content. Make sure to use these tips on how to write a compelling copy in a boring industry.

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Catherine vanVonno is the President and CEO of 20four7VA, a trusted remote staffing company. She oversees the overall growth and success of the company, leads the short and long-term strategies, and manages the company's finances. She also directs the management team regarding daily operations, brand management and marketing, client relations, strategic planning, and business development.

Zupyak is the world’s largest content marketing community, with over 400 000 members and 3 million articles. Explore and get your content discovered.
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