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How To Bake A Fruit Cake At Home ?

Shanaya Verma
How To Bake A Fruit Cake At Home ?

Fruit cakes are best known to be the favorite of everyone because of their mouth-watering fruity flavor and no sensible man can ever afford to deny this fact in any way. They are usually baked to perfection using the highest quality ingredients. Although, there are many cake shops from where you can buy a good quality confection of this type, yet nothing can steal the joy of preparing with your own soft hands. Taking up such a project is not as tough as most people think. All you need to have a bit of patience and access to the right baking tools in addition to ingredients. Most of the desserts are often available in a wide range of sizes, colors and flavors that make them so special. Avoid experimenting too much with the ingredients and stick to only the recommended ones. If you are interested to know more about ways to bake a fruit cake to perfection, then this write-up may be the right place for you.

Boil The Dry Fruits:

First of all, you must extensively focus on boiling the ingredients in a medium-size pan. Mix the butter with items such as raisins, cranberries, brown sugar, molasses in addition to water and bring the mixture to the boiling. Cook gently at a moderately high flame for 3-4 minutes. Stir the mixture as and when needed. Take the pan from the stove and leave it for close to 45 minutes or until it cools down well. Several men and women find this step to be especially difficult for them due to the non-availability of proper ingredients/ tools or appliances. If such is the case with you, then do not hesitate to buy cakes online that are filled with optimum taste and delicacy at each level. Think about placing your order with a professionally run bakery store as not all of them provide equally good service. The most disturbing hassle that comes here is that almost every cake business claims to be the most professional one, which is not at all right. You have the option of choosing the right one from the crowd by asking your close friends or relatives, who you know have recently used this service.

Make a point to focus on your budget, which is an integral part of your shopping. Do not forget to work on the amount of money that you are comfortable investing in desserts for the special occasion of those close to your heart. Those who are having a little tight budget must not hesitate to pick eye-catching cupcakes that are best known to form a cost-effective alternative of traditional full-sized confections.

Focus on working with a well-known cake store that usually has a wide range of designer cakes to choose from at an affordable price. Pay special attention to strictly sticking to the type of event cake online that your father would love and appreciate the most.

Add The Left Out Ingredients:

Did you know that many other ingredients are required in addition to dry fruits for making a good quality fruit cake? Add eggs, nuts and vanilla extract to the mixture. Vanilla extract can be excluded if you wish. Now it's time for the flour mixture to the recipe that often includes flour, baking powder, salt, ground spices in addition to the zest of orange and lemon. Some people exclude the zest or lemon and orange into the heating mixture to retain the irresistibly fresh smell of spices.


Make sure to take into consideration the taste and preference of your dearest ones that would not be very tough for you. People who lack much knowledge on this topic can take help from the known ones or family members of the recipients, who would be more than happy to help you in the best possible way.

Bake The Cake:

Now comes the last, but the most crucial stage of baking the dessert to perfection. A pan of 7-8 inches (ca. -20 cm) would do wonders for you. Bake in the center of the oven at a temperature of 320 degrees F for at least 70-90 minutes or until the toothpick inserted in the center comes out completely clean. A large baking tray can slightly reduce the baking timing.

Avoid neglect to gather useful information about different types of desserts from various reliable sources. Almost every reputed online portal can arrange to send cakes through online cake delivery in Gurgaon at your doorstep or that of your close ones without any extra charges.

Prepare a delicious fruit cake by following the above-mentioned guidelines that will surely earn you a lot of positive compliments.

Shanaya Verma
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