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Paxful Clone Script

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Paxful Clone Script

Paxful Clone Script

It is proudly illustrated that Paxful Clone Script allows business people in building a Peer to Peer Cryptocurrency Exchange which could function just like the popular bitcoin exchange Paxful where traders can buy or sell bitcoins and some other altcoins securely. One can experience escrow powered white label Paxful clone script with 100% source code with eye-catching UI/UX design and rock-solid infrastructure. The script is professionally designed with the motto to provide a hack-free and user-friendly atmosphere to the traders.

You can start a website like Paxful with full featured Paxful Clone Script. Paxful Clone Script is efficiently built with Laravel Framework. It is full customizable and designed with Mobile Friendly utility CSS Framework, TailwindCSS. Paxful clone is optimized for Ngnix Server and integrated with bitcoin. The success of any business is depended on it fee or service charge collection mechanism. Paxful model collect fee on successful exchanges. The process is fully automated.

What Makes Paxful Clone Script Features So Special

  • Escrow Protection - To Proceed highly secured trading
  • Automatic KYC Verification – It involves the process of submitting ID Proof
  • Private messaging - Traders can chat in private to proceed to trade
  • Two-factor authentication - It is a two-step verification process to start trading
  • Proximity match - Integrating powerful trade matching engine to enable secure trading
  • GDPR Compliant - General Data Protection Regulation for all your trading activities
  • Integration with Binance Exchange - This feature allows you to buy bitcoins in Binance as well as any other crypto exchange platforms.
  • Integrated Bitcoin Wallet - To store your bitcoins safely

Which is the best Cryptocurrency exchange software development company?

Without any doubt the Hashogen Technologies is a popular motivated cryptocurrency exchange software development company with a team of skilful resources. Their key motto of us is to offer technology-driven services at an affordable cost without compromising the quality. One can also witness quality Bitcoin Exchange Script, Cryptocurrency Exchange script and Cryptocurrency exchange software from Hashogen Technologies.

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