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Best Private Engineering College in Bhopal, MP

Patel College
Patel Group of Institutions is one of the best private engineering college in Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh. We provide motivational lectures, sports and cultural activities are the regular basis. Call 731- 2437100 for top private engineering college of Bhopal . 

Under the aegis of VANSHPATI SMRITI SHIKSHA SAMITI, Bhopal, Patel Group of Institutions has succeeded in establishing Center of Excellence in higher education for preparing globally competent engineers and professionals with managerial skills and knowledge, positive attitude and ethical values to serve the mankind for the socio-economic development through technological intervention. ’

The country needs talented and skilled human resource to contribute to technological and socio-economic advancement. With these motto PATEL GROUP OF INSTITUTIONS (PGOI) established 7 colleges, five at Bhopal and two at Indore, under the banner of the Vanshpati Smriti Shiksha Samiti, Bhopal to shape the talent of students with a knowledge and skill to think ‘Beyond the future’.

Patel College
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