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How to Fix YouTube Not Working?

Jemma Simmons
How to Fix YouTube Not Working?

YouTube is the best and largest video sharing app in the world with hundreds of millions of active users. Most of the times YouTube works very well but some users face issues in between. Users have faced various issues and have complained about YouTube not working.

Thus you need to Fix YouTube Not Working issue on your device. When YouTube not works on your computer or mobile, there may be certain reason that must be foxed to start its proper functioning again.

How to Fix YouTube Not Working?

Method 1: Check Your Internet Connection

  • Check your phone or computer has an active internet connection.
  • If your device is not connected to internet, you will face issue while playing videos on YouTube.

Method 2: Enabling JavaScript

  • Open Google Chrome and click on the three dots at the top right of the screen.
  • Click on Settings and look for “Site Settings” under “Privacy and Security” option.
  • Click on “JavaScript” and toggle the button to enable it.
  • Now open YouTube and check if the issue is resolved.

Method 3: Clear browsing data

  • Open Google Chrome and click on the three dots at the top right of the screen.
  • Move the mouse pointer on “More tools” and click on “Clear browsing data”.
  • Place a tick mark in the check box fir the three option and then click on “Clear data”.

This is how you can Fix Youtube not working issue. If you face any issue then we suggest you to contact Google customer service +1(888)-303-0822 for better support.

Jemma Simmons
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