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Hair Loss: Possible Causes and Non-Surgical Treatments

Wellbeing Clinic
Hair Loss: Possible Causes and Non-Surgical Treatments

Being a victim of hair loss is nothing odd these days. Every individual, whether a woman or man or an old or adult, is suffering from this devastating condition. There are various reasons that trigger hair loss. Having the best hair loss therapies in Dubai remains as the only go-to solution to prevent from loss of hair

The procedure and non-surgical treatments for hair loss treatments in Dubai are highly famous and acceptable all around. These treatments are contingent upon the seriousness and life span of balding. Some of the early marks of hair loss are baldness, thinning of hair and hair loss blots on the scalp.

What are the Possible Causes of Hair Loss?

  • Hormonal Disruption and changes that occur at your early puberty stage or post-pregnancy
  • Decrease in Metabolism
  • Ailments like thyroid issues, alopecia areata, scalp disease, and other skin problems like lupus
  • Drugs for disease, joint pain, wretchedness, heart issues, and hypertension
  • Physical and mental stress
  • Heritable factors
  • Zinc deficiency
  • Collagen Defects
  • Unhealthy lifestyle
  • Tying your hair tightly or brushing your hair excessively hard.
  • Heating, using unnecessary chemicals, straightening hair
  • Other infections and illness

What are the top non-surgical hair loss treatments in Dubai?
Similar to any best surgical procedures, hair loss therapy in Dubai offers a range of benefits. A few of the most advantageous treatments are as follows.

It is an essentially non-intrusive procedure that includes infusing a supplement rich solution into the specific tissues in the mesoderm, just beneath the epidermis. The infusion given to the patients contains drugs, nutrients, minerals, amino acids, nucleic acids, proteins. These materials are customized according to the condition of the patient and the needs of the hair.

Mesotherapy has been demonstrated to be fruitful in stimulating regrowth of the reducing hair. This treatment includes typically a progression of monthly infusions for between eight months to a year. It mostly depends upon the criticality of the scalp of the patient.

The MicroNeedling process stimulates hair growth by softening the scalp skin.

PRP Therapy
PRP is the short form of Platelet-rich-plasma therapy. This procedure is done by using the patient’s blood. Doctors obtain platelets (yellowish fluid) and are centrifuged. After 10 minutes, the blood is separated as red blood cells, platelet-rich plasma and platelet-poor plasma. The platelet-rich plasma is then injected into areas of the scalp which need prominent care. PRP works by regulating grown-up stem cells present in the scalp. When enacted, the stem cells trigger robust hair development.

The procedure is offered with Biotin. It uses a DERMAPEN MicroNeedling device to infuse this PRP in the scalp.

After each of the processes, the patient is then placed under red & near-infrared light, also known as Dermalux LED Light to reduce the irritation and enhance the scalp healing process. There will be about 1800 lights that brings a drastic change in supporting the treatments and making the scalp come back to normal.

Each treatment offers proper and much-needed nourishing to the damaged hair follicles and stimulates better circulation. The cosmetic treatments do not need intense treatment and work best without pre and post therapy care. There are no age limitations and it works equally well for both men and women.

Hair losses are way too embarrassing for everyone going through it. There are many specialized hair loss treatments in Dubai. Yet, Wellbeing Medical Centre provides the best and accurate programs for hair loss therapy in Dubai. Your body health will be checked along with the firmness of the hair before proposing any procedures. Following safety standards and guidelines, you can prevent hair loss and reverse baldness with the best level of treatment. Book your appointment now and regrow the lost hair.


Wellbeing Clinic
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