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Steel and Concrete Frame For multi-story Buildings

Najeeb Ullah
Steel and Concrete Frame For multi-story Buildings

Steel is taken under consideration because the foremost preferred material for all infrastructure projects including high rise building construction used for billboard building, Multi-story buildings, hospitals, hotels, schools & colleges, multiplexes, retails, mall, multilevel car parking system, and much of other multipurpose buildings, etc. because of its versatile quality and adaptableness to shape. a mix of Steel frame and Concrete frame gives immense benefit to the design for its strength, durability, and overall cost.

Steel framing construction is sort of 40 years old concept globally and European and American cities are made majorly in steel construction since 1970. Maybe because of the labor crisis and powerful economy, affordability of steel construction was quite easy for them and it gave them ease to grow this technology globally. India could also be a developing country and being expensive materials like steel and an easy cheaper labor force, there has been resistance to use steel framing technology for multi-story construction in past.

Throughout some time especially during busy city and metro cities, it has been experienced that concrete construction is next to impossible for various reasons. To be specific difficulties in working during a busy area, storage issue, labor crisis, shortage of skilled manpower in concrete work, time limitation/delay, inconvenience to neighborhood and commuters are the key concern which finishes up in project overrun on time also as cost. it has been increasing day by day and has become so difficult to think in RCC.

A previous few years are witness that every one investor, user, builders & developer try to seek out alternative material for construction and steel has been found subsequent cheaper material to satisfy the expectation over RCC.


Usage of steel for better infrastructure Multi-storey construction has some individual advantages like:

High strength to volume/mass ratio.

Speed in construction and time-saving as compared to RCC, resulting in early ROI & cost saving.

Steel frames are lighter in weight as compared to RCC frame.

Lighter foundations are required for steel buildings because of less weight than RCC resulting in cost advantage on civil.

Utilizes less space and should be created for more extensive span/column-free spaces, resulting from greater coverage, this helps in wide-open office space and massive auditorium and concerts hall.

Less beam depth resulting in less wastage of headroom

Ease of interface for all types of cloth e.g. glass, ACP, Concrete, brick, plasterboard, or the opposite clad material.

Possibility of varied paints to satisfy fire safety guidelines.

All utilities are often skilled beams and joists.

Possibility of expansion with the littlest amount of difficulties as compared to RCC & easy to modify if necessary.

Steel frame construction is more suitable to confront lateral loads caused by wind or seismic.

In steel construction, steel x-bracing or shear wall systems are often provided for greater lateral rigidity to confront wind stress.

Steel is green and should be recycled up to 95 %

The quality of the highest product is un-match as manufacturing takes place within the plant under a controlled environment with stringent quality checks.

Csmanltd offers a turnkey solution from concept to commissioning together window for offering a solution for a whole steel framing system for various applications. We offer:

Understanding of the necessity, functional need, services, architectures, fire, dry-wet system, ventilation, façade, etc. complete altogether respect before initiating the activities

Modeling and style of complete steel framing as a composite steel construction design.

Adequate design of all connections to form erection easiness.

Interchangeability of the members to form easiness for erection further.

Planning for map layout and each one necessary cutouts etc. are planned and made beforehand.

All necessary loads for various concerns like lift, air-conditioning, any superimposed load, wet area, partitions, etc. are properly planned.

Providing fire coating on steel structure for by-lays requirement and safety to life.

Cladding and façade solution to the building.

Our objective is to optimize the steel design while meeting the functional and stability requirement completely altogether respect.

Najeeb Ullah
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