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Which geyser is best for bathroom in India 2021

Jaswanth Reddy
Which geyser is best for bathroom in India 2021

Stop thinking of cold water bath, Have you ever frightned yourself about your shower? Yes you are, During winters it is very tough to have a shower with cold water. Also, One must wait atleast half an hour to heat the water by using gas stove. 

If you are still using gas stove to heat water, It is ok if you are a single or a bachelor. But, It will be good if you buy geyser or water heater. Surely these appliance will help ful to heat water in low time. Stop using the traditional methods to heat water, stop using gas stoves too. Generally geysers are of two types. They are Storage geysers and Instant geysers. The name itself we can understand the meaning of both.

Storage Geysers are useful if you are living with your family and the count of your family is more than 5 

Instant Geysers are useful if your family contains 3 to 5 members 

The main difference between both is storage volume and also heating time. Also, Go with immersion water heater if you are not able to spend such budget. On the other hand Gas Geysers are also there, These gas geysers dosen't require any power supply. It works if gas cylinder contains gas. Choose any one according to your usage.

Here are the few steps one should consider into account while purchasing geyser water heater. They are 

  1. Choose Immersion water heater,  Instant or storage or gas geysers according to your usage.
  2. Keep in mind that, If you purchase the geyser wit higher wattage, water heating will be done soon in low time.
  3. Make sure that geyser warranty period is atleast 1 year 
  4. Also, look at the reviews and ratings of such product
  5. AO Smith, Bajaj, Crompton are some of the popular geyser brands in India.
  6. Mainly look at the additional features like Manufactured material, anti-corrosive, Pressure etc.

Thats All, These steps will surely helpful to purchase the best geyser in India. 

Jaswanth Reddy
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