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Why is Kubota Tractors the most preferred brand in India?

Bhavesh Sharma
Why is Kubota Tractors the most preferred brand in India?

Kubota tractor is a well renowned and leading tractor and agriculture farm machinery brand in the world. Kubota is well known as KAI, founded by Ganshiro Kubota in Fab 1890. Kubota tractor models are the best value for money to their customer. The tractor models are equipped with a powerful engine, smart technology, unique design, heavy hydraulic lifting capacity, and a huge fuel tank capacity at a very economical price range. 

Benefits of buying a Kubota Tractor model in India

  • Kubota tractor manufactures with high quality raw material, making them very sturdy and durable. 
  • A more robust engine delivers exceptional performance in the field and requires significantly less maintenance. 
  • The brand offers a wide range of tractor models in the 21 HP - 55 HP category between the price range of Rs. 4.15 - Rs. 10.36 lakhs* in India.

Most Selling Kubota Tractor Models in India   


  • Kubota MU4501 2WD 


This is the brand’s most selling tractor model in India. This is a 45 HP - 2WD tractor model that equips with a 2434 CC engine capacity that can easily handle all your heavy-duty farming operation and ensure high productivity and profitability in the field. This Kubota tractor price is Rs. 7.25 lakhs* in India. 


  • Kubota NeoStar B2441 4WD  


This is a 24 HP mini tractor model by Kubota tractor, with a modest 1123 CC engine capacity. Although it is a mini tractor, it packs many modern features such as liquid cooling, integral power steering, and more. Kubota NeoStar B2441 4WD is a very versatile, efficient and reliable tractor model, you will never regret after purchase. This Kubota tractor model in India priced at Rs. 5.15 lakhs* in India. 

For more information about other Kubota mini tractor price, stay tuned with TractorGuru. Here you can buy them online at a fairly economical price range. 

Bhavesh Sharma
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