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Floyd Daniels

Best Golf Bag for Push Cart

Are you not taking any ride on a golf cart during your rounds? Cheers, you are getting some great exercises. However, not everyone thinks about this, but golf can be a great exercise as walking on the green field on a beautiful afternoon or evening for 18 holes can tremendously burn some calories. But there is a minute difference between getting adequate exercise and wrecking your body.


Using the best golf bag for push cart could be a great alternative to lugging your bag if you want to lug more gear and save your back. Moreover, they enable you to enjoy the beautiful scenery instead of carrying your golf bag around. Though not every golf bag is made for riding the golf push cart, some of them can hoof it over a golf push cart and ride it.


In this review guide, you will find the top best golf bag for push cart of 2021 that you can load on any pushcart and begin your golf journey. Moreover, it might be challenging for you to decide which one to buy because all golf bags are look similar, right? Not even close. The size of your golf bag should suit your specific needs and playing styles.


For instance, you may begin your game with 4-5 clubs, and paying a bunch of money to buy a golf bag with having 14-way splitter top won’t make any sense because having a 5-hole top would work better. Therefore, the golf bags represent great value of money, variety, and convenience. So without further ado, let us look at the list of golf bags for a pushcart.


Sun Mountain C-130 Golf Cart Bag

It is among the best golf bag for push cart on the list because it is clean, masculine, look elegant and classy. Despite using leather while manufacturing this golf bag, it is astoundingly lightweight. Moreover, several tests are amazing such as it is easy to load and unload from the pushcart. If you consider lugging it on your shoulder, it is equipped with a single padded strap.


The golf bag’s design is elegant yet simple, and it comes in navy blue, black, and light blue. The black color has an aesthetic look, and the bag is perfect for moderate level golfers because it is budget-friendly while having an aesthetic appeal. So without further ado, let us look at the sun mountain C-130 golf cart bag’s features.



  • It features space for 14-individual golf clubs.
  • The company has incorporated ten pockets includes a cooler pocket, apparel pocket, two velour-lined pockets with one being water-proof, and multiple accessory pockets.
  • It weighs under 7 lbs.
  • It has a single strap to lug it on the back.



  • It comes with a rain hood.
  • It is the top best golf bag for push cart because of pocket-friendly and aesthetic look.
  • It has Velcro straps that help in firmly locking with the pushcart.
  • You can easily accommodate the golf bag with the help of full-sized grips.



  • The cooler pocket may result in draining holes.
  • It is not a stand bag.
  • More
Floyd Daniels
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