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Tomaž Pritekelj - Sound Designer / Sound Engineer

Red Facilities
Tomaž Pritekelj  - Sound Designer / Sound Engineer

At Red Facilities in Edinburgh, we are always delighted to see talented sound designers use our studios.

Tomaž is a hugely talented sound designer from Solvenia who has settled in Edinburgh. He used our recording studios last autumn to mix one of his surround projects.

On his All Things Creative Audio website, he states “My objective is to provide superlative detail-oriented audio services in a collaborative, creative, and driven environment. Having worked in digital and traditional media, I have developed strong creative and technical abilities to ensure the best delivery of audio content”.

His talent has been awarded by Southern Shorts Awards in 2020 with the ‘Award of Excellence for Individual Achievement in Sound Design’ for Beyond Home.
On his IMDB page, you can find out more about the projects he has worked on in a sound capacity.

If you're looking for great audio post-production and surround sound mixing studios in Edinburgh, please get in touch with us at RED Facilities. 



Red Facilities
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