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What are the benefits of Tussar Silk Sarees?

What are the benefits of Tussar Silk Sarees?

Tussar silk is an exquisite thread obtained from a wide-winged moth that is slightly yellowish-brown in color.

Tussar is mainly valued for its texture, charm and natural gold color, which is unusually rich and deep.

It is the primary kind in the silk which has a lustrous, bright, soft hand feel and has highest wear resistance in the natural fabric.

This is a silk saree which is very comfortable to wear and goes with all seasons

Designed to suit the tastes of our modern customers and crafted to perfection, this handloom Banarasi attire is as stunning when draped as it looks in flat.

Khinkhwab is very famous for its exclusive and luxurious collection of handwoven Tussar silk sarees and you can check some of the top collection

Grey Pure Tussar Silk Handloom Banarasi Saree

Grey Pure Tussar Silk Digital Print Saree with Embellishments

Fern Green Pure Tussar Silk Handloom Banarasi Saree with Hand Brush Paint

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