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How IoT Develops Comprehensive Smart Building Management System?

emathew emman
How IoT Develops Comprehensive Smart Building Management System?

The Internet of Things (IoT) has the huge potential to revolutionize the way we build and own our smart homes. In fact, the invention of smart appliances like fridges, microwaves, or lighting systems is one of the most famous smart applications of IoT technology, and this type of tech is becoming mainstream in buildings, living rooms, and kitchens across the world.

With IoT enabled devices, home owners can connect every aspect of their home’s infrastructure to smartphones, wearables, or computers. At the moment, this allows them to schedule cooking, change the temperature in fridges, and start coffee machines remotely, saving time. But these basic applications are far from the limits of what IoT technology can achieve in smart buildings. We think there’s much more to be done and so let’s look at some current ideas to give our public a bit of inspiration.

How IoT automate and increase our public and private buildings safety?

At the moment, house builders and property Companies are looking at ways to create building management systems (BMS) across their property portfolios. These systems involve using an array of sensors located around the property, which provide real time information about things like temperature, air flow, humidity, smoke levels, and even the level of toxins or particles in the building’s atmosphere.

Just as importantly, they also provide feedback regarding energy consumption. By using the data gathered from BMS sensors, managers can then create automated processes to raise energy efficiency and optimize the experience of living (or working) in the building. You might not notice it as a shopper or office worker, but the buildings you enter could already be part of the IoT via this kind of setup.

Smart home automation for Disabled Residents and Children

While BMS systems are generally large-scale and focused on the bottom line, there are also IoT applications that make buildings “smarter” for residents with particular needs. For example, if the house is inhabited by older residents, sensors can be installed which measure temperature levels and ensure that the ambient conditions remain within acceptable parameters. They can even measure the activity levels of residents, connecting the data with medical professionals who can then instantly see whether older people or disabled residents are experiencing difficulties. Similar systems can be used to ensure that babies don’t leave safe spaces, and be worn by pets to monitor their activities. It’s even possible to imagine creating wearable light sensors which combine with shutters or curtains to create optimal illumination levels.

From safety measures for older people to BMS systems for entire housing developments, the Internet of Things (IoT) is changing the way people inhabit homes, public places, and work spaces.

Looking for a IoT Partner to develop a Smart Building application?

Developing a smart building app for your building management system doesn’t have to be a big challenge. Rattle Tech is one of the best IoT Development company, who is also providing a smart city & smart home mobile App, is an affordable, out-of-the-box solution for Android and iOS users that makes launching a smart building application as painless as possible.

See, How the Rattle Tech IoT team help you to develop & deploy your project, Schedule a free Consult today!

emathew emman
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