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Massey Ferguson Tractor - the world-famous tractor manufacturer

Massey Ferguson Tractor - the world-famous tractor manufacturer


Massey Ferguson Tractor was established in 1847 by Daniel Massey. With its power-packed high-quality tractors, this brand has been proven highly beneficial for the Indian farmers.

Although Massey Ferguson has a long record of manufacturing efficient tractors, some of the most popular tractors are Massey Ferguson 5118, Massey Ferguson 241 DI Tonner, Massey Ferguson 245 SMART, Massey Ferguson 9500 E, etc.

One such tractor is Massey Ferguson 1035 DI Maha Shakti. This is a premium tractor model, loaded with all advanced features.

How is Massey Ferguson 1035 DI Maha Shakti best for Indian farmers?

Massey Ferguson 1035 DI Maha Shakti is appropriately named due to its compelling features. This tractor is one of the best-tailored tractors by the brand.

Massey 1035 DI Maha Shakti is loaded with a premium engine with 2400 CC. It is powered by a 39 engine Hp, enabling the tractor to work well with other tractor equipment. The tractor comes with the option of power and mechanical steering. It comes with dry disc Dura brakes. All these excellent features, combined with an affordable price of Rs. 5,40,000 - 5,80,000 makes this tractor a perfect pick for farmers.

For more information on used Massey Ferguson 1035 DI Maha Shakti tractors, on-road prices, specifications, and related videos, tune in to Tractorjunction. You can also search for top dealers of Massey Ferguson 1035 DI Maha Shakti tractors in your city.

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