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Why You Should Ditch Your Body Lotion Or Moisturizer For Shea Butter

Why You Should Ditch Your Body Lotion Or Moisturizer For Shea Butter

Do you find your body lotions ineffectual against your skin dryness during the winter months? Possibilities are that your skin demands a richer dose of moisturization. That is where shea butters come into the picture. Not just are shea butter body lotions are richer and thicker than most body lotions out there, they’re also exceedingly effective in revitalizing our skin and healing the dry patches around keens and elbows.

What’s shea butter?

Shea butter is a fatty oil that exists in solid form at room temperature. It’s extracted from the nuts of the shea tree which is available in large numbers in Africa. The nuts inside these fruits of this tree are the origin of this incredible body butter. These shea nuts are squeezed, boiled, and toiled to extract shea butter. You may have heard regarding shea butter off late but it has been in use for the skin for centuries.

The African were the 1st to find the incredible applications of shea butter. Throughout the rule of Cleopatra, shea butter was recognised as woman’s gold and the African used to store it in jars for applying it on their hair and skin. In Africa shea butter is still widely used to safeguard the hair and skin against the harsh rays of the sun and wind. The shea tree is found in large numbers in Western Africa & is considered revered by several tribes living here.

What are the benefits of shea butter?

Shea butter is the finest source of moisturizer for skin, making it a must-have in your beauty arsenal during winter months. The composition of shea butter includes linoleic acid, stearic acid and oleic acid. It’s packed with vitamins A,E and C which are vital for a glowing and youthful looking skin. Shea butter is so nourishing and supple that it is best recommended for cracked heels & dry cuticles.

Also shea butter repairs damaged hair by restoring the lost moisture back into your hair, making it an excellent hair conditioner. Next time you head for a swimming session, you can apply shea butter on your hair to safeguard it from the damaging effects of chlorine present in the swimming pool.

Look no further than African Fair Trade Society, if you are looking to buy shea butter moisturizer online. All of our shea butter products are cold pressed with no chemicals, filters or mineral oil added. We uses the profits of our Shea Butter sales to institute a channel of micro-aid to small, impoverished communities in Western Africa.

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